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Provost Award for Exemplary Faculty Service

Integral to faculty governance and excellence at Northwestern, faculty service is deserving of formal recognition. The Office of the Provost seeks nominations of faculty members who provide outstanding service to Northwestern or significant contributions to their unit. These faculty are exemplars of academic good citizenship.

Read more about the most recent recipients of the Provost Award for Exemplary Faculty Service in the University announcement


Please direct questions to Director for Faculty Joan Marie Johnson.

2023 Recipients

Karen Alter

Karen Alter

Norman Dwight Harris Professor of International Relations and professor of political science

Karen Alter is recognized along with her Organization of Women Faculty (OWF) co-chair, Leslie Harris, for providing an effective voice for women faculty during the 2020-2021 academic year, a time of unprecedented disruption and difficulty. Alter and Harris implemented OWF’s survey of women faculty and gathered data on the pandemic’s impact — especially on caregivers and faculty of color. They advocated on behalf of women faculty, with attention to both short-term and long-term impacts and the need to center equity. The survey provided the basis for OWF’s report on issues that Northwestern could address. Provost Kathleen Hagerty later created a working group to recommend policies, programs and grants to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on faculty.
Leslie Harris

Leslie Harris

Professor of History

Leslie Harris is recognized along with her Organization of Women Faculty (OWF) co-chair, Karen Alter, for providing an effective voice for women faculty during the 2020-2021 academic year, a time of unprecedented disruption and difficulty. Alter and Harris implemented OWF’s survey of women faculty and gathered data on the pandemic’s impact — especially on caregivers and faculty of color. They advocated on behalf of women faculty, with attention to both short-term and long-term impacts and the need to center equity. The survey provided the basis for OWF’s report on issues that Northwestern could address. Provost Kathleen Hagerty later created a working group to recommend policies, programs and grants to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on faculty.
Laura Hein

Laura Hein

Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Professor of History

Laura Hein is recognized for her long record of extraordinary service to the department, the school and the University, using her scholarship to create an intellectual vision and strategically push for global studies at the University. Hein has consistently advocated for non-Western history in her department and for a more global perspective in the College and University. She chaired committees such as the Globalization Committee for one NU strategic plan and led the effort that established the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures. More recently, Hein demonstrated her visionary thinking as chair of the dean of libraries search by pushing the committee to think in new ways about the libraries’ role in information systems.