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What We Do

The Operations team is responsible for managing the building operations, serving as the main point of contact for all building needs in the Norris University Center. The team is primarily made up of student employees working with the full-time Operations Manager. There are approximately 40 students on the Operations team, who work in the Center Manager and Center Desk roles.

Please visit the Center Desk page for more information about the services offered there.

If you are a student interested in working as part of the Operations team, please visit the Work at Norris page for more information.



Reserving Space

Spaces within Norris and Norris Satellite Venues can be reserved through Norris Event Management.

Posting, Flyers, and Advertising

For advertising on Norris TVs and other signage, please visit our Norris Promotional Space page.


All salespersons and solicitors, including canvassers, distributors, and students conducting charitable drives, must obtain permission from the Norris Center Events Management Office.

Salespersons and solicitors must provide evidence of such permission upon request by any member of the University community. Any person without appropriate permission will be reported to the University Police and asked to leave campus if permission is not obtained.

See our policies page for additional policies and more information.