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Other Drug Data Dashboard

About The Data Dashboard

Northwestern University is committed to advancing the health of all students and the campus community. Therefore, assessing college health factors that impact student academic performance, retention, and campus life is key in the development of effective health-related prevention and intervention programs for students.

To support this commitment, we are providing the community with easy access to our most frequently asked about data surrounding behaviors related to substance use among our Undergraduate student population. While this data does not encompass 100 percent of the data collected on student substance use, it is a strong starting point to better understanding student substance use at Northwestern.

Below you can read about each of the surveys we utilize to collect data on students' substance use behavior. To dig deeper into the data, navigate through each page (Dashboard) on the left sidebar. You will have the ability to manipulate certain data sets by various demographic variables.

Note: These dashboards are best viewed on a desktop computer or device with a large screen and in full-screen mode.

National College Health Assessment - NCHA II

The National College Health Assessment is a nationally recognized research survey that collects data on students’ health habits, behaviors, and perceptions. Northwestern most recently administered the NCHA in the Winter of 2019 with 485 undergraduate students responding to at least part of the survey. 

Looking for more?

If you are looking for additional information not presented on this website, or clarification on the data presented, please contact Health Promotion and Wellness at 

*A note as to why we use biological sex – We recognize and appreciate that not all individuals identify within these binary constructs. The purpose of using these terms is because research is based on the physiological variables specific to one’s biological sex and not related to their gender identity. Unfortunately, the research available at this time also has not focused on Intersex and Trans individuals

About Cannabis and E-Cigarette Use

Cannabis and E-Cigarette use are among some of the more concerning substances used among college populations outside of alcohol use. This is because cannabis is shown to have an impact on the developing brain and general lung health. When consumed as an edible, THC can have increased and more severe effects due to the way our bodies metabolize the drug.

E-cigarettes that contain nicotine can be as addictive, if not more, than traditional cigarettes, and also carry similar and additional health risks to traditional tobacco smoke. 

THC e-cigarettes and vaping products potentially carry increased risks that are still not fully understood but appear to be attributed to those containing vitamin E acetate and illicit products.

Of Note: 

Enter Full-Screen mode, located in the bottom right of the dashboard, to view full details. 

Data Source: NCHA II 2019, n= 485