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Student Advisory Board

Mission Statement

The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance works to prevent and remediate harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct in the Northwestern community, and is committed to integrating student voices into these efforts. The purpose of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance Student Advisory Board (SAB) is to provide a dedicated avenue for student perspective, feedback, and recommendations on the goals and services of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance.

SAB Objectives – 2020-21

Student-Led Objectives


  1. Further develop training for mandatory reporters, so as to include topics such as effective and trauma-informed strategies for taking a report, crisis intervention, and available resources to offer those who report.
  2. Review, and provide feedback on, the cultural responsiveness of policies, resource offerings, and intervention options that OE provides to the NUQ community.
  3. Review the GQNBT Task Force documentation to offer feedback on where and in what manner OE can engage with the Task Force recommendations.
  4. Review, and offer student-centered insights to, the climate survey and other data reports available via OE. This may include ideas for implementing lessons from the data, and further questions to ask.

SAB group photo

Ada Ogbonna - Undergraduate Student

Ali Bianco - Undergraduate Student

Alisa (Ally) Reith - PhD Student, SESP

Anita Kinney - PhD Student

Bailey Flynn - PhD Student, School of Communication

Brandon Alston - PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology

Gabriela Chavez Barrientos - Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

Jordan Plummer, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

Julia Rutkowski - Undergraduate Student

Julianne Murphy - PhD Candidate, TGS

Khadija Ahmad - Undergraduate Student

Rea Singh Mishra - Undergraduate Student

Sophie Lamb - Undergraduate Student

Spencer Colton - Undergraduate Student


  1. Assisted with recruiting community members to complete the Climate Survey
  2. Reviewed and provided feedback on Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance policies, procedures, training, and resource guides
  3. Reviewed and provided feedback on Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance/Northwestern’s comments to Department of Education/OCR proposed Title IX regulations. 


  1. Reviewed and provided feedback on Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance policies and procedures
  2. Reviewed Climate Survey results.
  3. Project work:
    1. (Will) Developed a listing of faculty at Northwestern who conduct research relevant to Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance policies
    2. (Eda) Developed an educational packet for graduate students to assist them in their reporting obligations
    3. (Alex) Worked with NSFP on guides for Peer Mentors to teach their students about reporting
    4. (Ally) Worked with Amy Huntington regarding the Climate Survey data


Anita Kinney - PhD Student 

I applied to the SAB because I wanted to connect beyond the law school with the broader Northwestern community. I had no idea this decision would bring me into contact with NU students from all over the world. This has been a unique opportunity to learn not just about internal university policies and procedures, but Northwestern’s impact in Chicagoland and far beyond.

Contact the SAB Advisors:

Jason McKean