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Request a Program

CARE staff strive to provide training for staff, faculty and student leaders about responding to incidents of sexual violence, bystander intervention, and other topics by request. CARE's guiding principles are social justice, survivor-centeredness, and sex positivity. CARE presentations embody these principles and take an intersectional, feminist approach to each topic.  

We require that you give 2 weeks' notice when requesting a presentation so that CARE staff has time to prepare. We will work with you to meet the needs of the audience. 

We will schedule a 45-60 minute meeting prior to the presentation to discuss expectations, the needs of the audience, and address any questions or concerns. Please note we ask that someone in a leadership role be present during the meetings and presentations to help manage group behavior and discussion. 

To request a program, please fill out our Program Request Form or reach out to

Support Starts Here

Support Starts Here gives participants the skills to effectively support a survivor of sexual violence, relationship violence, or stalking. The training will help create a community that can listen to, support, and refer survivors in meaningful ways. This two-hour training is open to faculty, staff, and students and we ask for a minimum of 10 participants to be involved.

Northwestern Bystander Intervention Program 

NU Bystander Intervention is an initiative that aims to create a safer, more caring and inclusive community by engaging all students, faculty and staff and asking them to play a role in shifting our campus culture.

Bystander intervention is a type of training that was developed to help people identity and interrupt moments of harm or potential harm. While initially implemented around topics of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking on college campuses, the training has been broadened to think about how people observing a situation can take an active role in intervening to stop immediate harm, and ideally future harm, from happening.

NU Bystander Intervention is a collaboration between Center for Awareness, Response and Education (CARE) and Social Justice Education (SJE). For more information, or to request the program, visit the Social Justice Education website.

Other topics

CARE is also happy to offer programs on other topics, including:

Please fill out the Program Request Form or reach out to to schedule a training. 

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