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Chelsea O'Neil Karcher

Project Manager | Campus Inclusion and Community

Project Manager | Campus Inclusion and Community

Where do you call home?

Minneapolis, Minnesota

What do you do at Northwestern?

I support the work of Campus Inclusion & Communication, particularly as a steward of transitions and new initiatives.

What groups/ committees/ communities are you a part of at NU?

I've served on several committees focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice initiatives. I currently serve as a team member developing the 2nd year Future Pathways academic initiative for BIPOC and FGLI students in collaboration with the School of Education and Social Policy.

What are you passionate about?

Building bright, expansive futures for all people in education. I am also an artist and a healer.

What are some moments/ accomplishments/ projects that you have been proud of?

Designing and co-facilitating the Social Justice Education Anti-Racism Seminar alongside Qiu Fogarty! Starting that initiative was one of the most intentional and exciting initiatives I've been a part of within CIC.

Where can you be found around campus?

I am currently working remotely from Minnesota, so you'll find me on Zoom! I will return to campus for important events and gatherings from time to time.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love listening to music, baking, and making art. You can usually find me by the water or enjoying the sunshine with my dog Pekoe.